Monday, April 22, 2013

Elements of Magic Intensive June 2nd-3rd in PEI

I love the elements. I also love Prince Edward Island, which is why I'm uber-excited to be co-teaching Elements of Magic at the beginning of June just outside of Charlottetown in PEI.

Elements of Magic
Weekend Intensive
June 2nd - 3rd, 2013
Prince Edward Island

With the art of magic, we deepen our vision and focus our will, empowering ourselves to act in the world. Working with the elements--Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, we explore the ritual techniques and core practices of the Reclaiming tradition. In this class we will explore the practice of magic with others; to create sacred space and time, to explore our connections with the Divine/Goddess/God/Mysterious Ones, in whatever form we understand them. Some techniques that are typically touched on include breath, movement, drumming, song, trance, visualization, raising and projecting energy, and ritual.

Elements of Magic is one of the Reclaiming Witchcraft's core classes, an introduction to Reclaiming practices and philosophy, and a pre-requisite for all other Reclaiming classes. We welcome both beginners and experienced people who want to deepen their experience of the sacred with others.

Reclaiming is a community of people working to unify spirit and politics. Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess, the Immanent Life Force. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture.

 Please bring something potluck to share for lunch on Saturday. Sunday lunch and healthy snack throughout the weekend are included in the registration fee. Please let us know of any food allergies, sensitivities, or any other special needs (food-related or not). 

Teaching Team 
Amanda is an ecstatic Witch following an initiatory mystery tradition of North American witchcraft. She has been active in the Montreal community since 2000, and involved in Reclaiming since 2003. She is currently a member of the Reclaiming Teachers in Training and Service (RTITS) guild in New England, and has offered workshops across Canada and in the United States. Until recently, Amanda was on the Board of Directors for Gaia Gathering, the Canadian National Pagan Conference. She was also the Managing Editor of Wyntergreene, a national Pagan magazine, for many years.

Amanda's personal practice celebrates life and places a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and relationship with Mystery, including deity, the ancestors, spirits, nature, and our selves. She believes strongly in having an extensive magical toolkit that complements real-world skills. She works as a freelance writer, blogger, and health coach. Visit her website at

Josie Baker is a community organizer and Pagan activist. She has organized many open workshops and rituals in the Reclaiming community in Montreal and the Maritime provinces. Her academic background includes Religious Studies, Women's Studies, Community Development, and Adult Education. Her experience with the Reclaiming community includes 10 years of Pagan activism, ritual (co)creation at Vermont Witch Camp and co/facilitating a class on Elements of Magic in 2008 and Ecology of Magic in 2007, and participation in Earth Activist Training in 2009. She values direct (inter)connection with the earth and the land in her home province of Prince Edward Island.

sliding scale: $130 to $70, You decide where you slide. No explanations needed. If the lower end of the scale is impossible for you, please contact us. We don't want to turn anyone away because of their financial situation, and are willing to provide work exchange opportunities.

Space is limited. To register or for more information, contact: A $40 deposit is required to hold your space (Cash, cheque, PayPal, Interac transfer accepted. Please contact us prior to sending Paypal or Interac transfer). The balance is payable at the workshop. Or you can pay the whole shot when you register.

Facebook Event page is here

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