My fall workshop line-up is complete!
I will be teaching at Le Mélange Magique and Charme & Sortilege in Montreal, as well as at The Elemental Book and Curiousity Shop in Winnipeg. With the exception of Intro to Contemporary Paganism, advanced registration is required and a minimum number of people must be registered for the class to run. All classes are capped at 9 participants. Please register directly with the shops.
Fall Series: September through December
Building a Personal Spiritual Practice *FULL*
Privately organized.
The focus of the work of this class is to develop a core devotional spiritual practice. Devotion can be outwardly or inwardly expressed. For example, the class can be used to enter into relationship with a deity/spirit or set of deities/spirits, or to come into closer contact with our own soul, inner light or higher self. Class is every second week. Each session builds on the last one and the exercises are flexible enough to be adapted for individual beliefs, traditions and deities.
Thursday October 6th, 7pm -9pm
Intro to Contemporary Paganism
Le Melange Magique, 1928 Ste-Catherine W, Montreal H3H 1M4
What is Paganism? Ask a dozen people and you’ll get at least a dozen answers. In this brief introduction, we will discuss what we mean when we use the word Pagan in a contemporary religious or spiritual context. We will explore some of the various philosophical underpinnings that seem to unite most contemporary Pagan traditions, as well as some of the common conceptions and misconceptions people have about Paganism. ($5 donation to the MPRC, register with Le Mélange Magique)
Sunday October 16th, 2-4pm.
Crafting Ritual: An Introduction
Le Mélange Magique, 1928 Ste-Catherine W, Montreal H3H 1M4
Ritual is a space in time carved out for spiritual or transformative work. It usually involves set forms to create and contain the energy of that moment; and is an integral component of many contemporary Pagan practices. This introductory workshop provides an overview of common ritual formats and some basic considerations when crafting a ritual for yourself or small groups. ($30; Register with Le Mélange Magique)
Saturday October 29th, 1-4pm.
An Introduction to the Elements
Charme et Sortilège, 4933 de Grand Pré, Montreal H2T 2H9
Many contemporary Pagan and esoteric traditions use the five foundational elements of earth, air, fire, water and ether/spirit. What are they, where do they come from, what do they represent, how can we tune-in to their energies for our magical or spiritual work, and why would we want to? This 2-hour introduction scratches the surface of these questions and offers some practical exercises to explore the five elements. ($45; Register with Charme & Sortilège)
Thursday November 3rd, 7-9pm
Developing Daily Practice
Elemental Book and Curiousity Shop, Winnipeg, MB
Daily spiritual practice is a commitment to self-care, as well as personal and spiritual growth. Depending on your tradition and beliefs, it may also be a commitment to your gods, coven- or Craft-mates. For a daily practice to work for you, it has to be something that satisfies your spiritual goals and that you enjoy. It also must fit into your daily life. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the reasons for undertaking a daily practice, as well as its most common forms and commonly-encountered obstacles. We will then develop individual plans for starting, and maintaining, a daily spiritual practice.
Saturday and Sunday November 5th-6th
Elements of Ritual
Elemental Book and Curiousity Shop, Winnipeg, MB
Ritual is is a space in time carved out for deep work, usually involving set forms to create and contain the energy of that moment; and is an integral component of many contemporary Pagan practices. This hand-on workshop is an introduction to crafting ritual for solitary work, or for small or large groups. We will break ritual down into its individual components to work with them, and then build it back up again. This workshop is offered as a weekend intensive.
Wednesday December 7th, 7-9pm.
Developing Daily Practice
Charme et Sortilège, 4933 de Grand Pré, Montreal H2T 2H9
Daily spiritual practice is a commitment to self-care, as well as personal and spiritual growth. Depending on your tradition and beliefs, it may also be a commitment to your gods, coven- or Craft-mates. For a daily practice to work for you, it has to be something that satisfies your spiritual goals and that you enjoy. It also must fit into your daily life. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the reasons for undertaking a daily practice, as well as its most common forms and commonly-encountered obstacles. We will then develop individual plans for starting, and maintaining, a daily spiritual practice. ($45; Register with Charme & Sortilège)
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