::Community Announcement::
Elements of Magic is one of the Reclaiming tradition's core classes. In this six-part series we explore the elements (Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit) in a context of magic, experiencing and working with them through energy work, chant, trance, movement, creation of sacred space and ritual.
The class series begins on the February Full Moon (Wednesday the 20th), and continues through the next four Wednesdays. The final session, which is on a Friday, will be an open ritual co-created by the class for the March Full Moon, which is also around the Spring Equinox.
Exact dates are:
Wednesday, February 20th: Air
Wednesday, February 27th: Fire
Wednesday, March 5th: Water
Wednesday, March 12th: Earth
Wednesday, March 19th: Spirit
Friday, March 21st: Co-created open ritual
Classes will go from 7-9 pm. The final ritual will also begin at 7. Location is in the Mile-End/Plateau area; please RSVP for details.
There is no cost for this class series. Elements of Magic is a prerequisite for the Iron Pentacle course that will be offered later in the spring. If you plan on being a part of that and have not yet taken Elements, please consider joining us. This class is geared toward people of all experience levels, and everyone is welcome, regardless of path or tradition. We welcome all genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, languages, and differences in ability.
Please RSVP as soon as possible, as class size is limited. We will give preference to those who can commit to all six sessions, as it is important to us to create and maintain a cohesive group while doing this work.
For any questions, more information, or to RSVP, contact reclaiming@cosmic-muse.com
Teacher bios:
Josie is a community organizer and Reclaiming Witch, and has been practicing this tradition for the past five or six years. She has a great deal of experience organizing open workshops and rituals in Montreal and the Maritimes. Her academic background includes Religious Studies, Women's Studies, and Community Development. Her experience with the Reclaiming community includes ritual (co)creation at Vermont Witch Camp and co/facilitating a class on Elements of Magic in 2006 and Ecology of Magic in 2007. She also was part of the organizing team for the Montreal Pagan Community Conference in 2007.
Rosemary has been co-organizing and co-facilitating rituals, workshops and other events in the Montreal Reclaiming community since 2006, including Elements of Magic in 2006, as well as designing and maintaining the community website. She was also part of the organizing team for the Montreal Pagan Community Conference in 2007. She is currently finishing up a Master's degree in Anthropology at l'Université de Montréal. She loves working in the Reclaiming tradition because of its openness to all people and to new ideas, and its emphasis on consensus, spontaneity and co-creativity, and she is excited to be offering Elements of Magic again to the community.
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