Le Mélange Magique is offering a five-week Pagan leadership program starting January 28th, and a five-week 'Teaching the Craft" program at a date that will be announced once enough students have signed up. Both courses are being taught by Scarlet.
Pagan Leadership Program
What kind of leader are you? Based on the Myers-Briggs personalitytypes, we will explore your unique style and teach you how to apply itto your pagan activities, such as: running a study group, leading asmall coven, coordinating public events, or leading a public ritual.This is a 5 part course that will run every other week.Monday, January 28th, 20087 –9 pm, $30/ week - or - $100 for full program(a $50 discount to bi-monthly payments!)
Teaching the Craft
This is a workshop for people wanting to improve their teaching/mentoring skills. We will explore such things as: whetherteaching is an art or a science; learning styles; preparing forteaching; writing lesson plans; presentation techniques; how to assessstudents; and how to be a reflective spiritual teacher. We will also address concerns of teaching the craft specifically. If you are interested in this course, please put your name down on thewaiting list. A date and time will be announced once a minimum of 5students have registered. 5 four-hour session every 2 weeks$50/session, includes reading packs
For more information on these workshops, contact Le Mélange Magique at 514-938-1458 or sales@themagicalblend.com
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