::Community Announcement::
November 17, 2007
From Language to Liturgy
Crafting understanding in Montreal's diverse Pagan community.
The next Montreal Pagan Conference is less than three weeks away! The conference is open to all solitaries, self-identifying Pagan groups and their members, Pagan businesses, Pagan scholars, and Pagan-friendly interested individuals. It is also open to experienced practitioners, beginning practitioners and the Pagan-curious. (Is that everyone?) Does this sound like you? Come and participate in the conference, share your ideas, and meet other local Pagans while you'e at it.
Saturday November 17th, 2007
Scottish Centre, 1610 Stephens Ave, Verdun
9:30am-6pm (doors open at 9am)
$15 (work exchange available)
Food provided, cash bar at lunch
Plenary Session: Bilingual Inter-Path Panel featuring participants from various pagan traditions in Montreal
Six workshops and discussions offered in two concurrent sessions:
Anglophone/Francophone Open Dialogue
Voice of Youth in the Pagan Community
Teachers, Mentors and Clergy Skill Share
Academic Presentations by Local Pagan Studies Scholars
Atelier "Au-delà de la base de la Wicca"
Pagan Songs and Chants Workshop and Skill Share
Morning coffee and pastries, lunch, and an afternoon snack will be provided. The Scottish Centre will also open their cash bar at lunch for soft drinks, juice and alcoholic beverages. Please let us know of any special food (or mobility) needs by Wednesday November 14th. We will do our best to accomodate you.
Tickets are available at Charmet et Sortilege (4933 de Grand-Pré), and Le Mélange Magique (1928 Ste-Catherine W.) and through PayPal at our website (mpcc-ccpm.blogspot.com).
For more information contact us by email or visit our blog/website:
http:// mpcc-ccpm.blogspot.com
The website has a map and directions to the Scottish Centre, full schedule and door prize info, and a paypal link for advance ticket purchase.
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