I'm starting to look at the logistics now for the Iron Pentacle workshop that I promised I'd offer in the fall. October seems really far away, but I need to think about booking space (if we need it) and getting the word out about the whens and wheres of the workshop.
The Iron Pentacle challenges us to look at our relationships with the qualities/energies of sex, pride, self, power and passion; and then integrate these energies into our lives and magic. It is most definitely shadow work!
Because Iron Pentacle can be very intense, I would prefer to offer this workshop as a series of six weekly classes on a weekday evening, possible with a weekend intensive to get us started. We would do one point each week and use the sixth class to bring it all together.
If you are at all interested in this class, please contact me [ravenka(at)cosmic-muse(dot).com]. Also feel free to pass this along if you know someone who might be interested.
At this point I am trying to decide between offering the workshops on either a Wednesday or Thursday evening (7-9pm), and whether to run the course from mid-October to December, or from November to mid-December. If you think you might want to attend these workshops, your input is very appreciated!
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